implementa provides consulting, coaching, and training for youth pastors and leaders across Canada.

How do you communicate the reality of a loving God, who is in control, to students who are living in micro AND macro worlds that seem completely out of control?
Let us come alongside and provide the foundational principles required, as well as the one-on-one coaching that will take these principles right into the lives of the students you care so much about.
The Canadian church and youth ministry culture is changing rapidly. Keeping up with Generation Z, discovering Generation Alpha, reconsidering what relational ministry looks like amidst the fall out of a pandemic. Now more than ever those workers who are in the trenches with our students need our support! implementa is committed to joining youth workers in the trenches for the purpose of consulting, coaching, and training workers and ministries toward spiritual health.
What is implementa?
While our foundational tool is our cohort style, online, interactive two-year training program, we explore any way possible to come alongside youth workers and ministries. implementa provides consulting, coaching, and training for our youth pastors and leaders across Canada.
If you are a youth pastor/leader who:
- Feels they need practical training to reach their youth more effectively
- Believes they have a tangible youth ministry but need some practical pointers to take the next step
- Is discouraged about youth ministry and need help making important changes
- Is struggling with rapidly shifting culture
Then our consulting, coaching, and training is for you. Let’s set up a time to discuss.
Our Team

Rev. Joey B. Molloy, Executive Ministry Director
Rev. Joey B. Molloy has been active in youth ministry since 1990. Over that time he has served as a youth pastor in Sault Ste. Marie and Ottawa. Since 2017 Joey has served as Executive Ministry Director with Camp Cherith, Lanark and implementa. As a graduate of Briercrest Bible Church (’94) and Briercrest Biblical Seminary (’06) Joey brings his expertise in youth ministry and heart for student ministry to both of these roles.
Hannah Nguyen, Executive Assistant
Hannah has been a part of youth ministry since she was a youth herself and has been leading and supporting youth ministry for over 20 years. Hannah has a heart for ministry and is passionate about working to further God’s kingdom! Hannah has lived in the Ottawa area for 15 years, is married to Sam and they have 1 daughter and 2 dogs.
Allan Day, Church Liason
Allan is recently retired from his personal business in Systems Analysis and Consulting. He has been involved with local youth organizations and youth ministry all of his adult life. Recently as a volunteer with Youth For Christ, Canada, Allan led annual youth mission teams overseas during the summers of 2011 to 2018. Allan has lived in the Ottawa area since 1979, is married to his wife Helen and they have 3 grown sons and 5 grandchildren.

Paul Racine, Instructor
With over 35 years of experience in Ministry, and youth Ministry, Paul is an amazing addition to the team. As an instructor, Paul teaches our Spiritual Formation course, impressing on the lives of many youth workers!

“I wish something like this was designed earlier, as it is something we all need.”
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